Do you have a nagging feeling you can manage your images better and faster? Are you insecure about your archiving and backup systems? Are you ever disappointed in the final output of your work? Join ASMP and learn about dpBestflow®, the definitive digital imaging resource for gaining efficiency, profitability and excellence.
Seminar topics
- Make informed decisions about choosing the best workflow for your needs
- Maintain the color intent and quality of your work
- Preserve your digital image files (and the work that you do to them) for the short and long term
- Communicate more effectively with clients, printers, digital labs or anyone else handling your files
- Work more efficiently so you can focus on creating great images and growing your business
The Speakers

Richard Anderson is an ASMP National Board Member, chairs the ASMP Digital Standards Research Committee, and was the principal author of the Universal Photographic Digital Imaging Guidelines (UPDIG.org). Richard is the project leader of dpBestflow® and co-author of Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow Handbook.

Judy Herrmann is a past president of the ASMP, an Olympus Visionary and recipient of the United Nation’s IPC Leadership Award. A widely quoted expert, she has lectured extensively on digital photography and smart business practices since 1995. Her consulting practice helps photographers earn more money doing creatively satisfying work.

Prolific author, provocative speaker and Adobe Photoshop Certified Expert trainer Jay Kinghorn guides companies in strengthening their workflow processes and envisioning creative uses for photography. The second edition of his book Perfect Digital Photography, which he co-authored with Pulitzer-prize winner Jay Dickman, was released in June 2009.

Peter Krogh is the author of The DAM Book (O’Reilly, 2009), the most widely used reference on collection management for photographers. He travels the world, advising photographers, institutions and major companies on best practices in digital imaging. Peter lives in Washington DC area, where he operates a photography, consulting and digital media production company. He was one of two principal authors of the dpBestflow.org website. Check out www.theDAMbook.com and www.peterkrogh.com for more information.